Sep 4, 2009

Skype for iPhone

Skype has released his first official application for iPhone and iPod Touch is available for free download through the AppStore, the VoIP client seems to be one of the first steps of Skype to the ever more resourceful mobile market, where the brand aims to further expand its catchment area and, consequently, their earnings. iPhone will be after the time of the Blackberry series, so that an application specially developed, circumstances permitting, should is launched during May.

The application, which requires an external microphone integrated in the headphones to work on iPod Touch, shows a simple graphical interface and intuitive, not too far from that of traditional desktop client offered by the company. The features are the essential ones, or calls and IM: the latter feature, it seems that you can not start conversations with more than one user at a time, although you can be included in a group conversation. In addition to the classic screen with the contacts, Skype for iPhone provides the user the ability to purchase credits directly from the phone, through the appropriate area called My Info.

Not particularly rich, for the moment seems to be the interaction with the hardware of the device, especially with the camera: the user can choose whether to set as main picture for your account existing image or you can make a shot on the fly. Missing, then, support for videos, for which there is still coming: "We are considering the video option with caution, because we want to uphold the quality of the product - said Scott Durchslag, COO of Skype - If ever integrate this function, we have to do to work the best. "

The only new application seems to be what may be a further slide in terms of appeal: Skype works only and exclusively under WiFi coverage, so anything connected via the network operator. The choice was imposed by Apple as useful preventive policy to avoid conflicts of interest and discontent among the various telephone providers.
Skype for iPhone: Downright Dirty (But Did You Really Expect a Clean Fight?) (Advisory Report)

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